research publications



Identities in Action: Developments in Identity Theory. P.S. Brenner, R.T. Serpe, and J.E. Stets, eds. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.


Understanding Survey Methodology: Sociological Theory and Applications, edited by P. S. Brenner. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.


Brenner, Philip S. 2021. “Effects of Nonresponse and Coverage Problems on Survey Estimates of Physical Activity.” Sociological Spectrum 41(4):338-351.

Brenner, Philip S. 2021. “Effects of Nonresponse, Measurement, and Coverage Bias on Survey Estimates of Voting.” Social Science Quarterly 102(2):939-954.

Brenner, Philip S., Jan E. Stets, and Richard T. Serpe. 2021. ”Introduction: Overview of Identities in Action.” Pp. 1-8 in Identities in Action: Developments in Identity Theory, P.S. Brenner, R.T. Serpe, and J.E. Stets, eds. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Brenner, Philip S. 2021. ”Religious Identity in a Proximate Social Structure: Mothers, Fathers, and the Religious Socialization of their Children.”  Pp. 179-200 in Identities in Action: Developments in Identity Theory, P.S. Brenner, R.T. Serpe, and J.E. Stets, eds. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Fowler, Floyd J., Jr., Philip S. Brenner, Paul Cleary, and J. Lee Hargraves. 2021. “Comparing Web and Mail Protocols for Administering HCAHPS Surveys.” Medical Care.

Rose, Timothy R. and Philip S. Brenner. 2021. ”Relational Positioning as Intermediate Social Structure in Identity Theory.” Pp. 303-322 in Identities in Action: Developments in Identity Theory, P.S. Brenner, R.T. Serpe, and J.E. Stets, eds. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.


Brenner, Philip S., Carol Cosenza, and Floyd J. Fowler, Jr. 2020. “Which Subject Lines and Messages Improve Response to Email Invitations to Web Surveys?” Field Methods 32(4):365-382.

Brenner, Philip S. 2020. “Advancing Theories of Socially Desirable Responding: How Identity Processes Influence Answers to ‘Sensitive Questions.’” Pp 45-65 in Understanding Survey Methodology: Sociological Theory and Applications, edited by P. S. Brenner. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Brenner, Philip S. 2020. “Why Survey Methodology Needs Sociology and Why Sociology Needs Survey Methodology.’” Pp. 1-11 in Understanding Survey Methodology: Sociological Theory and Applications, edited by P. S. Brenner. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Brenner, Philip S. 2020. “Conclusion and Future Directions.’” Pp. 325-333 in Understanding Survey Methodology: Sociological Theory and Applications, edited by P. S. Brenner. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Fowler, Floyd J., Philip S. Brenner, Anthony M. Roman, and J. Lee Hargraves. 2020. “The Effects of Nonresponse and Sampling Omissions on Estimates on Various Topics in Federal Surveys: Telephone and IVR Surveys of Address-Based Samples.” Journal of Official Statistics 36(3):631-645.